
Welcome to Alternative Remedies.

The site author, Terry Didcott is a qualified hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, nutritionist and web designer among other things, but what truly inspired him to create this website was his life changing experience in the early 1990s.

At the age of thirty four, Terry suffered with crippling arthritis. Unable to move around and in great pain, all his caring doctor could tell him was, "There is no cure, you'll just have to live with it." He was then prescribed pain killers and anti inflammatory drugs and left to "get on with it"

Not being one to simply lay down and let the drugs finish him off, he researched the disease and looked for alternatives. He found them.

Within a year he was almost fully mobile again and most of the pain was gone. Now, over 20 years later he is still completely free from arthritis and lives a normal life. This website is a testament to his research into the then little known world of alternative cures. He knows without a shadow of a doubt that alternative remedies work when medical science cannot.

He is currently working on his story of how he overcame arthritis and the book will be available exclusively from this site soon...