
To help you in your choice of alternative and natural health remedies, I have searched the net for some good resources of knowledge and information.

In my list below, you'll find some very popular ebooks and information packs that could help you to overcome the problems you face.

I have researched each product carefully to ensure there is no scam or rip-off associated with them. I have also checked that they have been given good reviews by the natural health fraternity who have bought them, tried them out and given them the thumbs up.

Note: As an affiliate of the following products I earn from qualifying sales.

Check out some of the top selling products on the net today!

What's Here:


For everyone who suffers with allergy and asthma symptoms, their greatest wish is to be free of them.

Unfortunately, up until recently there have only been powerful prescription drugs and medications available to combat these debilitating symptoms.

However, now there is a drug-free alternative. Asthma Free Forever shows you exactly how to rid yourself of athsma and other allergy symptoms.

Jerry Ericson, alternative medical practitioner, researcher and author of this amazing natural treatment says:

"Asthma Free Forever is the asthma remedy that works! Proven to be safe, natural and a permanent solution to beat asthma for good..."

Asthma Free Forever can show you how to reduce and even clear your asthma symptoms altogether without the use of drugs so you never again have to suffer this horrible disease.

Click the image/link above right to learn more...


Suffering from acne is no joke. It not only looks unsightly, but it destroys a person's confidence and can make them withdrawn and less likely to want to go out and mix with people because they feel self-conscious.

There are many types of mainstream treatments for acne, but they all have one thing in common.

They don't work!

Sure, the acne can be reduced significantly while you are taking the treatment. However, as soon as you stop, the acne returns.

Most propriety creams and treatments tend to drive the problem deeper into the body so that as soon as you stop the treatment, the acne comes back with even more severity and often looks worse than it did before you started the treatment.

So how can you rid yourself of the cause of this problem once and for all?

Acne No More is a book that reveals a tried and tested treatment and method that is holistic and natural.

It treats the cause of the acne, not the symptoms, as most propriety treatments do. This means that its wholly natural and drug free approach gives your body the chance to help in the healing process for a natural remedy.

You can click the image/link above right to visit the author's website for more information.


If you suffer with kidney stones, you'll know it can be the most painful experience you'll ever have to go through.

kidney stones breakthroughDoctors don't really know enough about them to effectively remedy them, so they prescribe drugs to try to relieve the pain. But they don't remedy the problem.

However, that's not the end of the story. You can discover a surprising way of dealing with this problem by getting Kidney Stones Breakthrough!

This detailed and informative book will show you how you CAN remedy yourself of kidney stones using wholly natural methods, completely without the need for any harmful drugs. Your health will be restored naturally and you'll have a new lease of life after following this incredible breakthrough!

You can click this link: (Disabled: Product no longer available) to see the author's website and read about how you CAN reverse your kidney stones!


Alternative Lifestyle If you're suffering with ongoing bouts of diarrhea and abdominal pains that take your breath away whenever you eat a meal you'll know all about the misery of Crohn's disease.

This condition can affect your entire life, wreck relationships and destroy everything you've lived for because of the terrible and debilitating pain.

The doctors don't really have a solution to the problem, save for surgery which is still no guarantee of recovery from this disease.

However, the Breakthrough Crohns Disease Guide offers a completely natural way to beat this awful condition without the need for drugs or pills and definitely no surgery.

You can click this link: [Link removed temporarily] to visit the author's site and find out more!


the high blood pressure program review

Uncover The Truth About Hypertension And Discover An Alternative Solution To Harmful Drugs!

Medical research reveals the astonishing but true method of how almost anyone can reduce their blood pressure through the floor.

They can do it using an all-natural secret alternative to harmful drugs... almost overnight...

Did you know that you can lower your blood pressure right there in the comfort of your own home in an extremely pleasurable, relaxing way?

Well you absolutely can!

This amazing but true discovery is destined to humiliate the big drug companies.

It will happen as millions of consumers abandon high-priced drugs with harmful side effects in favour of this shocking, all natural method to lower blood pressure!

Learn how following this simple program can remedy your problem

So you never again have to suffer with dangerously high blood pressure.

There's a video that explains it for you.

Click the big image on the right to watch it.


REVEALED: The secret behind re-growing lost hair; eliminating your balding effectively, naturally and permanently!

how to stop hair loss and naturally regrow lost hairIf you had resigned yourself to believing your hair loss was a genetic trait and you might as well just accept it, well you are in for a shock! This well laid out ebook will show you how you can reverse that confidence sapping trait without resorting to surgery, dangerous chemicals or harmful drugs!

If you want to not only halt your hair loss but regrow most if not all of it, then this is undoubtedly the most important book you'll ever read.

Learn how you will regrow hair all over your head, covering bald spots, thickening hair and replacing that youthful hairline.

In the majority of cases, hair loss is NOT genetic. A major reason people lose their hair is because hair follicles become trapped and blocked off from the vital blood supplies needed to nourish their development. By solving that, most, if not all your lost hair will grow back.

By addressing and eliminating the causes, NOT the symptoms of hair loss, you can expect your lost hair to regrow!

This amazing ebook show you how!

Learn "how to stop hair loss and naturally regrow lost hair" easily! You can literally reverse your hair loss and regrow the hair you have already lost so you never again have to suffer the smirks and cruel jibes from other men with full heads of hair!

[Link removed temporarily]to see for yourself...


Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle This fantastic fitness ebook has been hailed as the "Best Selling Diet & Fitness E-Book In Internet History".

It is currently estimated that around 64% of Americans are overweight. Fast food, junk food and processed additive laden foods are killing people faster than just about anything else. People who are overweight run a greater risk of dying from weight-related diseases than those who are at their correct weight.

If you are overweight, you don't have to be! You certainly don't need diet pills with all their frightening side effects to lose weight either.

There is a completely natural and safe way to lose weight.

This explosive insight into natural fitness will help you get back into shape the right way. Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle Details exactly how to lose weight and regain your natural levels of fitness and well-being.

[Link removed temporarily] to discover exactly how this is possible for you!


The Ejaculation Master Renowned sex therapist, Christian Gudnason has produced this amazing powerful remedy for premature ejaculation. In his most controversial release yet, he describes how he has helped hundreds of men to gain their desired lasting power and how he can also help you.

You no longer have to humiliate yourself with dangerous desensitize creams, useless medicine or endless scam methods sold online. Instead, learn how making passionate love for as long as you desire is way easier than you think. Anybody can do it no matter how bad you may think you are.

Christian Gudnason says of his amazing remedy:

"I'm going to show you how you can... put it simply becoming your honey's dream lover ! "

Learn how The Ejaculation Master can remedy your problem so you never again have to suffer the humiliation of premature ejsculation.

[Link removed temporarily] to see what it's all about.


If you are looking for an FAST, Safe, Effective, Drug-Free and All-Natural remedy for Yeast Infection, then this is likely the most important report you will ever read.

"At Last Infections can be eliminated FAST and For Good"

This report has been written by Sarah Summer, a Health Researcher and the Editor of the medical publication, Sarah was also a former yeast infection sufferer and knows first hand how yeast infections can disrupt a persons life.

A timely warning. There is some good and some very bad advice on the internet regarding yeast infections. Some internet remedies recommend using Boric acid. This toxic substance is a poison and has caused deaths. It has no place in anyone's home much less inside you!

In her report, Sarah will honestly explain what works, what is safe and what is effective in treating yeast infection. She also points out the dangers of other so called "recommended treatments". Good advice is hard to find, but look for some one who has done their research, can prove it and will stand by their recommendations. The good news is you have found it!

Sarah can tell you honestly that there is a safe and effective, all-natural way to treat yeast infection without resorting to the use of drugs.

That's what the Natural remedy for Yeast Infection is all about!

[Link removed temporarily] to see for yourself.

...More products will be added to this list periodically...