Off The Beaten Track

Let's get off the beaten track for a moment and have a think about another facet of an alternative lifestyle. That of recycling.

"Oh, noooooo!" I hear you cry.

OK, it's not what you think!

I'm not going to start on about how you should put this or that item of rubbish into this or that coloured waste bin or whatever. Not in this article!

Someone who got a bee in their bonnet and then got a bit of power let it go to their poor empty head and unleashed what has probably been the singularly most unpopular regime of stupidity on an already recycling-skeptical population.

There had to be a better way. And there is a better way.

Common Sense Recycling

I'd call it common sense recycling. By all means allow people who have the means and willingness to recycle go right ahead and do it because they want to.

But please don't enforce it on those who cannot. It's much better to educate rather than delegate!

But as I already mentioned, in this article, I'm not going to get into that debate.

Oh, I did a little, didn't I?

What I want to get across here is the kind of healthy recycling that can easily be done on a small but common-sensical scale.

Every family that lives in a house with a garden should be doing this. That's because most people with a garden like to get out there and, well, garden!

It would save countless thousands of tons of waste going into landfill every week. Not to mention the number of man-hours, fuel and machinery expended on collecting and dumping that waste.

It's so blatantly obvious I don't understand why many more gardeners don't do it.

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about more people using their garden waste not to fill plastic bin-bags for the land-fill sites, but to recycle it into their very own, homogeneous, clean, organic compost!


Compost is organic material that has been allowed to rot down naturally in the presence of air and friendly bacterium.

Done properly, home-made compost doesn't smell, isn't dirty or diseased or dangerous to the environment in any way shape or form. Quite the opposite, in fact.

If a domestic compost heap is managed properly, it will not attract rats or mice or other vermin. The end result is clean, natural organic material that you can use to improve your soil's structure and feed and nourish your plants without the need to spend money on artificial fertilisers.

Isn't all that worth making your own compost with all your garden and organic kitchen waste?

Is it not preferable to dumping it into already overfull landfill sites where it rots down unnaturally and mixes with all the other disgusting refuse that people insist on throwing away?

Just imagine how nice it would be to not only grow your own vegetables in your garden, free of all chemicals, but that you're feeding them with a natural, organic fertilizer that you made yourself!

Do you know how to make compost? If not, click here to read an easy-to-read article on how to make compost.

If you're concerned about your environment and have a garden but you are not using your garden (and kitchen) waste to make your own compost, shame on you!

Written by: Terry Didcott


Posted on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 in Health | 0 Comments

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