Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural remedies for arthritis do exist and can be found in a variety of everyday things, when you know where to look.

But before you go getting too excited, there are a few things you need to know about arthritis and how it affects the body before you can go about and try to cure it yourself.

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Is There a Cure for Arthritis?

The first thing you need to know is no matter what you may have heard from well meaning friends or even professional people, at the present time there is no known medical cure for arthritis, in any of its forms.

This is something you will come up against when you try to get some relief from your doctor.

Doctor's are equally frustrated at this and have no real solution to give you, often resigning to the fact that it is just something that you will have to live with. Sure, they can prescribe painkillers to reduce the pain and NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) to help reduce the swelling, but these are only acting on the symptom and do not do anything to work on the cause.

Working on the cause of arthritis is the way to bring about relief and even a cure, but you have to know what the cause is. Want me to tell you?

It's your diet. Plain and simple.

Watch What You Eat

What you eat, depending upon your own physical and metabolic makeup, can bring about a whole collection of problems, not least of those being arthritis. The rub is that certain foods will affect different people differently so you need to find out exactly which foods or food groups are directly affecting your physical makeup to cause your body to over-produce the uric acid that is the underlying cause of your arthritis.

It's quite complex, which is why there are probably as many different schools of thought on this as there are cases, but the lowest common denominator is uric acid and the body's inability to get rid of enough of it.

When there is an excess of uric acid in the bloodstream, it leeches out to the joints and in some cases the muscle tissue. It does this because acid will always seek out an alkali substance to neutralize itself.

The joints contain high levels of alkali tissue in the protective synovial membrane and fluid, which are attacked first, then the ligaments and the bone itself, all of which are alkaline.


With gout, which has the same cause but more intense albeit more short lived symptoms. Gout sufferers, of which I was one for several years, tend to have fluctuating levels of uric acid in the bloodstream.

When it goes above a certain level (which can differ in different people) the excess finds its way into the joints and crystallizes, causing the intense pain and swelling associated with an attack of gout. When the levels of uric acid later reduce below the critical level, the same acid flushes the crystals out of the joints and the pain and associated swelling goes down.

Uric Acid

With arthritis, the symptoms are continuous and cumulative because uric acid levels remain high, although they still do fluctuate but not enough to bring about the removal of the acid from the joints. In arthritis, the uric acid in the joints first destroys the synovial membrane and fluid and forms a hard, eggshell like membrane in its place.

This causes great pain when the joint moves which causes the body's immune system to attack the joint, flooding the area with histamines, which cause the painful swelling (the same as with gout).

Drugs and Medications

Anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce the swelling but relief is only temporary as the drugs wear off the pain and swelling returns. Over time, the body comes to become accustomed to the drugs, so stronger drugs need to be taken to achieve the same level of relief.

This is a terrible situation as the body cannot cope with sustained levels of these drugs, which themselves become as problematic as the arthritis they are being used to treat.

So what is the cure?

As your doctor has probably already told you, there is no medical cure.

However, there is a way to try and reverse the damage as long as you can catch it early enough, before too much irreparable damage is done to the affected joints.

You have to find out what, in your diet, is causing your body to create such high levels of uric acid and then cut out those foods (or drinks). You need, in affect, to reduce your body's overall level of acidity. There are many ways to do this, but that will be the topic of a future post.

An Alternative Remedy?

Magnetic therapy is a very natural method that is used to relieve pain, restore energy and also to enhance sleep! This kind of therapy has been proven a safe and effective form of alternative pain therapy. The idea is thousands of years old, yet today researchers are discovering that it holds great promise for the future as the cost of traditional health care increases.

Magnetic therapy is important for its economic simplicity and effectiveness. Magnets are scientifically proven to provide the body with the ability to naturally regain its self-healing electromagnetic balance and has a very high success rate.

Magnetic therapy as an arthritis pain remedy is well documented to work for many people without any side effects or harmful properties. If you haven't tried this, then you have nothing to lose apart from the cost of the bracelet which can be purchased online by clicking the link or the image above to go straight to the info page of the magnetic bracelet pictured.

Written by: Terry Didcott


Posted on Sat, 28 Nov 2009 in Remedies | 2 Comments

2 thoughts on "Natural Remedies for Arthritis"

arthritisreliefhelp says:
9 Dec 2009

Diet, yoga and meditation helps a lot to control arthritis. It makes us to feel free like a normal person without arthritis. Know Effective Remedies for Arthritis. Read Complete Health Guide on Natural Cures for Common Diseases.

Arrow says:
20 Aug 2010

No cure for arthritis? Really?

Guess that depends on where you get your information from and who you choose as a doctor or guide in the alternative realms.

I cured my arthritis. It can be done. Dr Donsbach has been doing for years and so have other alternative doctors. Rife technology can cure it. MMS can cure it. CMO can cure it. Proper diet and detox can cure it. If you go to a medical doctor you will never find a cure. The current medical system represses the information you need to get past it